Artbuying & Production
Conception & Consulting

Anja Graf-Pagel – AI Perspectives

Personal- & Digital-Coach


To becoming a Personal and Digital Coach began in 2017, alongside her unique role
as a Hair and Makeup Artist for renowned fashion labels such as Escada, Porsche
Design, Riani, and companies like the OTTO Group. In the last 23 years, her significant contributions and her ability to work with national + international personalities have shaped her path to becoming a Personal Coach. 

Supported by subsequent trainings, her expanded interest in the fields of media pedagogy and organizational psychology brought her special expertise in digital education and transformation in the digital era that influences our daily and future actions.

Anja combines digital competencies and customized guidance in her coaching for
creative professionals and organizations that fit into a digital landscape. Her mentality naturally fosters the acceptance of change as a learning process. Anja's background enables her to communicate empathetically and on equal terms with her participants, addressing the specific needs of creative professionals. 

Her coaching approachemphasizes empowerment and the adaptability of what is learned, both in the professional and personal environment. Previous courses and training at the Handwerkskammer Hamburg, in cooperation with the Hamburg Kreativgesellschaft, and subsequent in-house events, expand her customer base and build a special trust for upcoming clients.